Friday 1 February 2013

The Bully Boys

We’re all just watching Bashir
As he bashes up his nation.
We televise his fireworks ;
Record the conflagration.

We gave some toys to Saddam
For his sandbox game of war.
‘Till forced to call time on him
When he tampered with the score.

Then we had some grief from Mu-mar
When he came back in the game.
But he undermined his teammates
So they gave him back the same.

Now we’re just ignoring Robert
And his flimsy house of cards.
He’s no threat to our amusements
And he’s not in our backyards.

We’ve had Wilhelm, ‘Dolf, and Josef;
Chairman Mao, Idi, Benito.
From Charles the First to Charles Smith
And Emperor Hirohito.

Plus Papa Doc and Baby Doc
And Nicolae Ceaucescu :
All trampled on the innocent
Whom no-one came to rescue.

Sit back and watch The Bully Boys ;
Observe their selfish games.
Until the light of truth shines forth
From funeral pyres’ flames.