Wednesday 1 September 2010

Searchlight Moon

Searchlight Moon,
Reveal for me;
I’m under this
Obscuring tree

I woke abrupt
Because the glare
(Your light’s not just
From anywhere)

I’d hoped you’d reach me
On this night,
To guide me through
Where I lack sight

My doubts arrested
Further sleep,
So to the garden
I did creep

And in the garden
Well below,
I drank your
Alabaster glow

At first my gaze
Was on the ground;
The threatening shadows
All around

But boldened by
The backlit scene
I sought the tree
Where I could lean

And stare at you,
Unlike the sun
(Though you both share
The light, as one)

I sense, tonight,
It’s not just me;
She swings her eyes
Above to see

If any more
Is evident
In moonbeam’s sprite-light -

Our voices, eyes,
And thoughts don’t touch;
But you, our moon,
Will do as much.

Searchlight Moon,
Entwine our trust;
Reveal that light
Can shine from dust.

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