Sunday 2 May 2010

“Council Worker Found Dead at Lake”

Our lust for these stories
It seems will not break.
A tree, a rope, depression? – that’s life.
No note and no motive – let’s talk to the wife.

He worked for the Council,
It said on page five,
And walked round the lake
With his wife when alive.

“A son, a brother, a dad –
Will be missed.”
When he last walked away,
Did his wife say he kissed?

On Facebook’s a page
Where the tributes are glowing
From the mates who once knew him,
But are now left not knowing

(Though it’s well understood
No foul play is suspected.)
Now the wife’s plea for privacy
Must be respected.

So the newsprint will fade
And the paper will rot
And we’re on the next story,
Whether caring or not.

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